Biden Administration Accused of Propaganda and ‘Redefining’ a Recession’s Technical Definition

After people have accused bureaucrats and government agencies of changing definitions during the last few years, Joe Biden’s administration now claims that a second consecutive quarter of negative gross domestic product (GDP) does not indicate the U.S. is in a recession….

Võlakirjade ebastabiilne tootlus, Lukud, ja sõda - 3 Põhjused, miks majanduse taastumine ei toimu kiiresti

The global economy looks bleak as inflation continues to rise, and a wide array of financial investments continue to shudder in value. Since May 2, 2022, the crypto economy has dropped more than 15% alates $1.83 trillion to today’s $1.54 triljonit….

Usaldusväärsusega seotud mured – Galopi küsitlus näitab Fed Chair'i usaldusreitingut kahekohalises järjekorras

Mais avaldatud Gallopi küsitluse järgi 2, the publics confidence in Americas current economic leaders has been deteriorating. Usaldus USA vastu. USA president Joe Biden. majandus on langenud 57% juurde 40%, and faith in Federal Reserve